Beginning at the end…9 step process for achieving your exit plan

In business management guru, Stephen Covey’s, best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, beginning with the end in mind was a top habit of his. This got me thinking. Why is it that so many business owners don’t have a clear picture of what they want their business to look like when it’s […]
How to add thousands to your bottom line

Just like in our own household, waste costs the average family business tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. However, the business owner doesn’t just incur the yearly cost, but the multiple of that cost when a business is sold. Let’s assume that through a waste audit we can identify $100,000 in […]
Superannuation strategies: a comprehensive guide and tips for small business

For many small business owners, superannuation can be a confusing and complicated place. This needn’t be the case. It is best to break things down into various “buckets” and tackle them one at a time. If you would like to learn more about how to get the maximum benefit from your superannuation, or how to […]
Use your customers to fund your business growth: debtor financing explained

One of the reasons businesses run out of cash – and generally go broke – is that they grow too fast. What a paradox – the business is growing too quickly and is therefore too successful for its own good! Not surprisingly, in situations like these you also find that the largest “creditor” of the […]
Top five tips and traps for developing an effective succession plan

I’ve often been asked by clients to assist in a trade sale of their business or a sale or hand over to the next generation. These all take different forms depending on the motivation of the parties concerned. While there seems to be an increasing awareness of the need to prepare for transitioning the business, […]
Funding options available for innovative businesses

The Federal Government has indicated that they are very keen to support innovative businesses. There are a number of funding options available by way of government grants for businesses that can meet the Government qualification requirements. If your company has been “experimenting” to try and solve a problem in your business for which there was […]
My magnificent seven tips to improve Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)

So often we read or hear in the media about the latest fast-growing business. Everyone seems to focus on the growth of the business but what is the real measure of business success? When I review the financial performance of a business, the primary measure I look at is Return on Capital Employed (ROCE). Generally, […]
Cash: can a business have too much?

I was recently asked by a client whether they were holding too much cash in the business. My answer was – it depends. It depends on a number of things as well as the reasons for the cash build up. There are economic, commercial, financial and structural issues to be considered. As a general rule, […]
Three key ratios for business success

I’m often asked by business clients whether a certain dollar profit is good. My answer is always the same – it depends. The fact is, no one can tell you whether a specific dollar profit figure in isolation is a good result or not. It’s just like asking someone whether the $1,000 in interest you received […]
Know your change potential

In a recent article, Planning to Take Control of the Family Business, I talked about the reluctance of family and privately owned business to plan. I opined that “time pressures” and “not knowing where to start” were two of the main reasons for this reluctance. However, I believe there is another, very important, reason for […]