MGI News & Insights

Testamentary trusts: tightening control on the distribution of your assets

A common question that we often get asked by our clients is “How can I protect assets left to my children from in-laws if their marriage breaks down?”

The best way to achieve greater control over the distribution of the assets in your will is to establish a testamentary trust.

A testamentary trust is also highly beneficial when splitting income with young children or where asset protection strategies are required (for instance if a beneficiary is in a high risk occupation).

What is a testamentary trust?

A testamentary trust is a trust established in a will that comes into effect upon the death of the person making the will. The assets are held in the trust with income or assets distributed to the individual later. The trust can be fixed or as flexible as you like with discretion given to the nominated trustee over what and when is distributed.

Protect inheritances from in-laws

A lineal descent trust is designed to keep your inheritance for your lineal descendants and out of the reach of the Family Court.

How this works

Person A dies and leaves their child $700,000 in inheritance.

No trust

• The $700,000 is passed on immediately to the child and is likely invested in their mortgage and other assets

• A few years later child and husband separate

• The Family Court takes into consideration all matrimonial assets which total to $1M after deduction of mortgages and distribute $500,000 to husband and $500,000 to child.

Lineal descent trust

• The $700,000 is distributed to the LTD

• A few years later child and husband separate

• Child and husband’s assets amount to $400,000 after deduction of mortgages

• The court takes into account child’s inheritance however because of the terms of the LDT these funds were not available for distribution to husband.

• Husband is distributed $200,000  and wife is left with $700,000 in LTD and $200,000 from matrimonial assets.

It is important that the LDT has been properly drafted otherwise the Family Court may find that its assets are available for distribution.

Inheritance to young children

In the case of families with young children a testamentary trust can help generate extra income to support the surviving family and minimise tax.

This can also provide additional protection if the surviving partner remarries and that marriage subsequently breaks down.

How this works

Person A dies and leaves their wife and children $700,000 and 25% shares in husband’s business.

No trust

• The $700,000 is passed on immediately to the wife

• Business generates $100,000 income a year for the wife which is taxed at her personal tax rate

• Wife remarried and subsequently gets divorced

• Original inheritance is then split between wife and new husband with wife receiving $350,000 plus 12.5% share in the business

Testamentary trust

• Husband dies and his wealth is distributed to the testamentary discretionary trust in his will

• Wife is trustee

• Wife uses the trust to distribute income to herself and their three children

• Wife is able to receive $82,168 tax free each year for herself and her children

Asset protection strategy

If your children are in high risk professions and have put in place asset protection strategies receiving a direct inheritance can present unanticipated problems.

How this works

Person A dies and leaves child $700,000 property

No trust

• $700,000 property is distributed to child

• Child operates her own business

• Child can continue to keep the property in her own name and have the property at risk of creditors if anything goes wrong in her business

• Child can decide to protect the property by transferring it into a trust but has to pay $23,000 in stamp duty

Testamentary Trust

• $700,000 property is distributed to trust

• No additional effort is required by child to protect the property from the risks of her business

Disadvantages to beneficiary trusts

There are additional costs associated with establishing a testamentary trust and management of the trust upon the death of the testator. These are minimal however in comparison to the benefits the trust provides, particularly in the case where there is significant wealth involved.

What a trust doesn’t protect against

Family members can still contest your will so if the distribution of assets amongst the family is not equal it can still be altered.

Am I better off under a testamentary trust?

Every circumstance is different and there is no one-size fits all solution to estate planning. It is important that you discuss estate planning with your accountant and lawyer to come up with the best option for your family. If you haven’t reviewed your estate planning recently, or if you are interested in knowing more about testamentary trusts, please speak to your MGI advisor.

About the author

Picture of MGI Parkinson

MGI Parkinson

Need someone with financial expertise by your side so you can tune into your core business and continue to do what you do best? As your accounting and business advisory partner, we’ll do just that. From auditing the books to providing personalised advice, we engage with small to medium-sized enterprises to deliver financial guidance — and peace of mind. To help your business succeed, our experienced advisers take the time to get to know you (just ask one of our many multi-generational clients). We’ll team up with you to truly understand your situation and goals, create an actionable plan and achieve measurable success. Book a consultation today to discover how MGI can help propel your business.

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